Today, music is more a family affair than ever for Cas, who collaborates with wife Cassy on songwriting and now hits the road with his son Eben on bass and his daughter Nolah on fiddle.
What he says about the song, “All the Right People,” applies to his whole approach to music and life. American Songwriter calls it an “instantly memorable singalong,” but Cas goes deeper: “It’s a feeling, inspired by that energizing emotion that happens when things are in balance and you know you’re exactly where you’re supposed to be. That magnetic flow that happens when you recognize and honor all the relationships that have helped shape the person you are, and being able to cultivate presence in your life wherever you’re at and to find that internal sanctuary, whatever tragedy you might be going through.”
Tragedies come and go; what Cas Haley gets at in his songs is that internal sanctuary – whether it’s the interior of a brand new SUV or something more ethereal. “Blessings always come rearranged,” he sings in “Every Road I’m On.” “The only plan I have is here right now…Every road I’m on is my home.”
Track Listing:
All the Right People
Blue Jeans
Long Shadow
Love's Been So Good
Every Road I'm On
Pour It Out
Take It All Back
Kellie's Song
All the Right People Jam